Talking Therapies Blog

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Are you getting enough sleep? Suffering from Insomnia?

static1.squarespace.comSleep rejuvenates your body, mind and spirit An adequate amount of regular sleep is essential for good mental health. 8 hours sleep is recommended for the average adult. Research shows that healthy sleep habit strategies provide a long-term solution to sleep difficulties.Medications tend to be effective in the short-term however the ongoing use of sleeping pills may lead to dependence and interfere with developing good sleep habits independent of medication.Sufficient and restful sleep is a human necessityStudies have shown that if your regular sleep hours are reduced by one hour over a three-week period your physical, mental and emotional well-being is impacted negatively. You may begin to experience mental health issues, such as anxiety, depression and stress-induced symptoms. Poor or reduced hours of sleep can affect your daily functioning - fatigue, irritability, tension headaches,  and poor concentration and memory.InsomniaInsomnia is defined as difficulty initiating or maintaining sleep at least 3 nights...
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Keep Your Sanity! Tips for Healthy Boundaries

Save your sanityHealthy Boundaries keep me sane! Setting boundaries brings all our vulnerabilities to the surface and I for one do not like to feel vulnerable and uncomfortable. I needed to practice how to be uncomfortable. I had to learn to sit in the uncomfortableness and the uncertainty to set healthy boundaries. I had to be able to sit with the disappointment, the other being angry with me. I had to accept not being perfect. When I do not set healthy boundaries I start to feel angry and resentful. I start to blame the other person for making me feel guilty. I start to blame them for my stress and exhaustion. #It is my business to say No Mahatma Gandhi said, "A NO uttered from the deepest conviction is better than a YES merely uttered to please, or worse, to avoid trouble". Saying “No” triggers the inner “shame gremlins” (Brene Brown) The inner...
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